End Race, End Racism
Layers of lies containment the modern mind. Artificial classifications of life justify cannibalistic behavior in so-called civilized society. America is caught in a racial binary where in people who identify as black and those who identify with white are engaged in a nonsensical battle for supremacy that actually unites them in conflict. Here are a series of Truths about race:
1) Race as constructed is a complete artificial concoction of human relations. This is not a denial difference in physicality among people but an affirmation of the commonalities that make us. The Classifications as we know them are false.
a. http://ssw.unc.edu/fcrp/Cspn/vol4_no1/is_race_a_myth.htm
b. http://americantruthaz1.tripod.com/myth_of_race.htm
c. http://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm
d. http://teach.lanecc.edu/lugenbehld/205/handouts/Races%20Do%20Not%20Exist.htm
2) There are no white people…just people who identify as such White is a social designation arbitrarily drawn to assign political, social and economic rights…much like the Hindu Caste sysem. It DOES NOT describe skin color.
a. http://www.postfun.com/racetraitor/welcome.html
b. http://www.temple.edu/tempress/chapters/1418_ch1.pdf#search='
c. http://www.umass.edu/wost/syllabi/spring03/wost397l.htm
3) There are no truly Black people…just people who identify as such. Negro is the blanket classification that Europeans created for the people they chose to enslave. The brown skin color of West Africans is the majority color of humanity. The Black identity is mostly a reaction by or to the notion of white supremacy. Black DOES NOT describe skin color.
a. http://www.africanholocaust.net/news_ah/we%20are%20africans%20not%20black.htm
b. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacks
4) There are no racial “mixed” people…considering a human being to be “mixed” is to validate the classifications of race
a. http://www.pbs.org/mattersofrace/pdf/4Mulattoes.pdf#search='
b. http://www.interracialvoice.com/welcome.html
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