Whats Cracc'n World!!! Im Comin' to you live from the corner with the word on the street and/or the controversial issue's of today in the form of a "?" (question). Today's topic is: Is The United States A Rogue Nation & Is It Beyond Repair? (please post opinion)
helll nahhhhhhh
ha ha ha USA USA USA
Well Corn i am afraid that it might just be to late for the america that i grew up in from my point of view i see things just gettin worse gas prices sky high metical cost and insurance cost are beyond most peoples ability to afford even with employer input america is about two things anymore poor people and rich people it is being turned into a class society with king Bush and his court ruleing over us...hey its for our own good we are not capable of making rash judgments about our lives and how to raise our kids.....WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MIND CONTROL!!! ....did i sound like i was a goverment puppet in the last paragraph....lmao
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