Black Professor Declares Blacks Should "Exterminate All White People"(video)

Here is a nice video. This is Professor Kamau Kambon from North Carolina St University speaking a to a group of African Americans prior to the Millions More Movement about The Hurricane Katrina fiasco. This dude is a real nutjob, but I know some of you will love him. Kill Whitey! LOL Also, this Asian chick is trying to take him down, here is her site
I think Professor Kamau Kambon was a Nut to say it and then right after making the statement say " Im going to leave" WTF?! mofo. HUH!
Ok I feel like the man is way to extreme even for the Nation of Islam. They would throw him out. I think he is very passionate about his beliefs but went off course with his thinkig and solution to the Problem.
Malkin is trying to "take him down"? I didn't know that he was "up". His voice is one of many that will be lost in the drone of time.
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