New Orleans Police Department Beating Caught on Tape (video)

Looks like everything is back to normal in New Orleans. AHHH good ole NOPD brutality, yes it seems things ARE normal again. Watch these NO cops beat the shit out of this old guy, and pay attention to what happens to the reporters filming it LOL. I have been telling people for years NOPD makes LAPD look like crossing guards WATCH!
NEW ORLEANS - Two New Orleans police officers repeatedly punched a 64-year-old man accused of public intoxication, and another city officer assaulted an Associated Press Television News producer as a cameraman taped the confrontations.
After being questioned, the three officers were arrested late Sunday and charged with battery. They were also suspended, then released and ordered to appear in court at a later date, Capt. Marlon Defillo said.
The APTN tape shows an officer hitting the man at least four times in the head Saturday night as he stood outside a bar near Bourbon Street. The suspect, Robert Davis, appeared to resist, twisting and flailing as he was dragged to the ground by four officers. Another of the four officers then kneed Davis and punched him twice. Davis was face-down on the sidewalk with blood streaming down his arm and into the gutter.
Meanwhile, a fifth officer ordered APTN producer Rich Matthews and the cameraman to stop recording. When Matthews held up his credentials and explained he was working, the officer grabbed the producer, leaned him backward over a car, jabbed him in the stomach and unleashed a profanity-laced tirade.
"I've been here for six weeks trying to keep ... alive. ... Go home!" shouted the officer, who later identified himself as S.M. Smith.
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