Child molestor goes on "killing spree" in Midwest, killing 13 year old girl and 2 female gas station workers, manhunt continues (story)

CINCINNATI -- Authorities in three states spent Tuesday tracking down leads on a man accused of killing three people in two of those states, News 5 reported.
Police believe Keeling shot his next-door neighbor, Katie Caudill, 13, in her Deerfield Township home Monday morning, then drove toward Chicago. He allegedly stopped at a convenience store in northern Indiana and shot two women working there.
Warren County investigators said they think Keeling killed Caudill in retaliation for her help in a child rape investigation against him, London reported. Investigators said her help was "minimal," but that Keeling wouldn't have known that.
The gross sexual imposition allegedly began three years ago, and the rapes occurred in the past month.
Police said Keeling entered the home where Caudill lived with her grandmother and shot the Kings Junior High School seventh-grader as she was getting ready for school.
About four hours later, Keeling killed two workers at a Family Express convenience store in Remington, Ind., about 75 miles southeast of Chicago, police said. Police said they believed Keeling went into the store to rob it. They said they identified him from the store's security camera.