Pervez Musharraf Meets Jon Stewart (video)

Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf visited Jon Stewart on The Daily Show this week to promote his new memoir In the Line of Fire (Free Press). Stewart graciously offered the president some jasmine green tea (a traditional offering in Pakistan) and a Twinkie. Then moved in for the killer opening question, "Where is Osama bin Laden?" Musharraf didnt' bat an eye, answering that he didn't know, but that if Stewart did he would gladly follow him to the terror leader's location. It was pretty surreal watching General Musharraf laughing, exchanging pleasantries and even cracking jokes about president Bush and the Iraq War (it has made us less safe, according to Musharraf).
Musharraf is fluent in English and uses idioms easily. He's incredibly media savvy. His publisher should be ecstatic -- he's a publicist's dream.